Balance between work and family life
Women and men benefit from general conditions that favour the balance of private, family and working life, as well as a balanced distribution of paid and unpaid work, both domestic and family-related.
Aspirations for greater equality within the family come up against unsuitable structures and constantly changing lifestyles. To ensure that women and men have the same opportunities to work, whatever their family model, efforts must be made to make it easier to balance work and family life. One way of doing this is to create family-friendly conditions, such as a sufficient number of high-quality, affordable supplementary childcare facilities. The division of domestic and family tasks needs to be better balanced between the sexes, with greater participation by men in unpaid work. Flexible forms of employment and the possibility of part-time work that is economically viable and tax-neutral for both sexes help to create the right framework conditions for reconciling work and family life. Women, who are still more likely to give up work to devote themselves to their families, will thus be able to choose whether to work or increase their workload, and thus achieve greater economic autonomy.
Decisions regarding work-life balance have a major impact on retirement benefits, particularly on the level of women's pensions.
Objectives and Measures
Contribution on the part of the Confederation | Lancierung eines politischen Dialogs zur Vereinbarkeit mit den Kantonen, Gemeinden und Sozialpartnern | FSIO, FDHA | | | Botschaft des Bundesrates zur Förderung der Vereinbarkeit | FSIO, FDHA | | | Strategie des Bundesrates zur Förderung der Vereinbarkeit | FSIO, FDHA | | Verbesserung der Vereinbarkeit von Familienleben und Militärdienst | GS-DDPS, DDPS |
Contribution on the part of the Federal Administration | Monitoring der Massnahmen zur Vereinbarkeit in der Bundesverwaltung | FOPER, FDF |
Switzerland’s contribution at international level | Beitrag zur unbezahlten Haus- und Pflegearbeit von Frauen in Projekten der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit | PHRD, SDC, FDFA, SECO, EAER |
Contribution on the part of the cantons
2.4.B.1 | JOB&LIFE – Plattform für Vereinbarkeit | BL |
2.4.D.1 | Unbezahlte Care Arbeit im Kanton Basel-Stadt | BS |
Contribution on the part of communes and cities
2.5.V.1 | Projet d’école à journée continue « MAE » | City of Neuchâtel | |
2.5.V.2 | Bezahlter Urlaub für die Pflege erkrankter Familienmitglieder | City of St. Gallen | |
2.5.V.3 | Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung | City of St. Gallen | |
2.5.V.4 | Reduktion Horttarife | City of Uster | |
2.5.V.5 | Mobiles Arbeiten | City of St. Gallen | |
2.5.V.6 | Urlaub für den anderen Elternteil | City of St. Gallen | |
2.5.V.7 | Family Score | ||
2.5.V.8 | Settore extra scolastico e bisogni delle famiglie | ||
2.5.V.9 | Rafforzare le misure di conciliazione tra sfera professionale e familiare | ||
2.5.V.10 | Sensibilizzare la responsabilità sociale delle aziende |