Discrimination, sexism and gender stereotypes are no longer socially tolerated and no longer limit the lifestyles of women and men.
To ensure that women and men have equal opportunities throughout their lives, all forms of discrimination, sexism and gender stereotypes must be eliminated. Equal opportunities, from the earliest age and particularly in education, are essential, as gender stereotypes often have an impact on career choices and persist throughout life. Sexism and stereotypes must no longer determine the roles assumed by women and men within the family and society. To achieve this, action is needed in the public arena, in education, training and the workplace, in the media and on social networks.
Objectives and Measures
Contribution on the part of the Confederation | Analyse der bestehenden rechtlichen Ungleichbehandlungen zwischen Frauen und Männern im Bundesrecht | FOGE, FDHA | | | Teilrevision der AHV - Anpassung der Witwen- und Witwerrenten | FSIO, FDHA | | | Revision des Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetzes (FMedG) | FOPH, FDHA |
Contribution on the part of the Federal Administration
Switzerland’s contribution at international level
Contribution on the part of the cantons
Contribution on the part of communes and cities
Intercantonal bodies' contribution
4.6.C.1 | Baromètre de l’égalité | SKG |