Work and public life
Women's economic autonomy is strengthened throughout their lives, regardless of their marital status or family situation.
Equal pay for work of equal value makes it more attractive for women to enter, remain in and return to the labour market. If the barriers to women's participation in the labour market are lowered, women and men will be able to share paid work and unpaid household and care work equally, without financial loss. This strengthens women's economic autonomy. In addition, a better gender mix at all levels of responsibility and in all sectors is necessary and would even be beneficial to business performance. This requires freedom of choice in education and the workplace, without gender stereotyping or discrimination. There should also be an aim for parity in the share of women and men in political, economic and public decision-making bodies.
Equality in the workplace and in public life and the greater presence of women in the labour market reduces the gap in old-age pensions received by women and men. Women's economic autonomy is strengthened throughout their lives and their situation improves when they retire, whether they are married, single, in a registered partnership or widowed.
Objectives and Measures
Contribution on the part of the Confederation | Botschaft des Bundesrates zur Individualbesteuerung | FTA, FDF | | | Erarbeitung einer Gesamtstrategie und eines Massnahmenpakets für den Wiedereinstieg von Frauen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt | SECO, EAER | | | Ausgewogene Förderung von Filmprojekten von Frauen und Männern | FOC, FDHA | | | Auslegeordnung zur Anerkennung ausländischer Berufsqualifikationen | SERI, EAER | | | Förderung der Grundkompetenzen Erwachsener | SERI, EAER | | | Sensibilisierungsaktion «Stillen am Arbeitsplatz» | SECO, EAER | | Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in der Armee | GS-DDPS, DDPS |
Contribution on the part of the Federal Administration
Switzerland’s contribution at international level | Umsetzung von Programmen zur wirtschaftlichen Stärkung und Beteiligung von Frauen und Engagement im Rahmen des CSW und des DAC der OECD | PHRD, SDC, FDFA, SECO, EAER |
Contribution on the part of the cantons
1.4.L.1 | Dati e indicatori in funzione del sesso | TI | |
1.4.L.2 | Zahlen und Fakten zur Gleichstellung | ZG |
Contribution on the part of communes and cities
Intercantonal bodies' contribution